Gig Work

gig work, project, employees, new work, project, teams

Increase project momentum
with Gig work.

Most IT-infrastructure projects cannot be considered in long-term resource planning, as it would not be efficient to operate oversized IT departments continuously.
For this reason, IT departments are usually not staffed with enough full-time employees to handle large IT-infrastructure projects in addition to day-to-day business.
Due to the increasing digitalization, which in many cases demands the core renovation of old IT-infrastructures, gig work is gaining importance.

Here, internal and external employees must be coordinated and united in teams. The acquisition of the right talents is crucial here and should be coordinated with the human resources department in order to best complement the skills already available internally. Especially during company vacations, gig work plays an important role in using the downtime to carry out critical activities and to reach project milestones even during the vacation season.

Services include:

• Composition of project teams, consisting of internal employees and gig work employees, tailored to your needs

• Coordination of project teams, as well as the integration of gig work freelancers in your company  

• Coordinate resources according to project phases   

gig work, project, employees, new work, project, teams